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First Thursday Lecture Series
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Flying Santa: A Holiday Tradition

Upcoming Races

The Crash Bobs
February 3, 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

The Snow Row
Sat., March 10
11:30 a.m.

Icebreaker Results

Weir River Race Results




Protect the Boston Harbor National Islands Recreation Area

The Brewster Archipelago, the jewel in the Harbor Islands crown, is not an industrial site. The concept that pristine Outer Brewster Island serve as an LNG offloading terminal is deeply offensive. This wilderness is not an empty wasteland, but a well-protected refuge teeming with flora and wildlife. National Parks and Recreation Areas serve all and defend timeless, precious places from private, short-term interests. The notion that Outer Brewster Island be sacrificed to protect metropolitan Boston from a terrorist threat is ill-conceived and misleading. While not offering the security the proposal implies (rather, trading one endangered population for another), it also promises to throroughly degrade a precious natural environment. Would the government give serious consideration to a plan for the Statue of Liberty to be used as an oil terminal or Yosemite to store nuclear waste? Would AES Inc., of Arlington Virginia, suggest that Monticello's lawn be used as a runway for quick response fighter jets to protect the nation's capital?



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