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Harbor Discoveries Curriculum Options

Maritime Program Curricula--Academic studies are integrated into every area of the Maritime Program. These can be tailored to suit students of different ages and abilities. Please inquire.

Finding Your Way--Navigating through life can be challenging, particularly for adolescents. Gain some hands-on, fun, transferable skills from the city and t he woods that will help keep you on course.

Local Industry--Explore the Saugus Ironworks, George’s Island, or the river-driven industrialization of Lowell to discover the early manufacturing roots that created the Port.

The Mighty Herring--Once a year, this glorious anadromous fish teaches us about hard work, destiny, lifecycles, and the will to live.

Pre-European Boston Harbor--The Harbor has been evolving for 12,000 years, inhabited by European immigrants for only the past 400. Let’s examine who and what was here before, what it looked like, and how ecosystems and human societies evolved.

Sense of Place--An exploration of local immigrants and immigration, and consideration of how we have shaped and are shaped by who we are and the place we live.

The Salt Marsh--One of the most productive ecosystems on the planet is also one of the most spectacular learning places on earth… and it surrounds and protects us.

We Are All Lifesavers--Knowledge of basic first-aid and body systems can save the lives of friends and strangers. An intensive, hands-on mini-course.

Custom-Designed Programs--In a ddition to our pre-designed curricula, we frequently custom design on-the-water and other experiential educ ation programs to s uit the goals of schoo ls or programs. Please contact us at 781-925-5433 or lifesavingmuseu [email protected] et to discuss your ideas.

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