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Maritime Apprentice Program Overview

The Hull Lifesaving Museum's Maritime Apprenticeship Program (MAP) is a Career Exploration program offering intensive, year-round training for young men and women in the custody of the Department of Youth Services. MAP operates out of the Museum's Seaport Boatshop in downtown Boston's Marine Industrial Park. MAP creates viable, entry-level employees for the vibrant Marine Trades industry in the Port of Boston.

MAP serves the most 'high impact' youth in Boston's juvenile justice system. The program guides 20 young people annually through a crucial transition, from idleness and social alienation to high-level engagement. MAP provides hands-on, shop-based training, supported by individual and group counseling, remedial education, and work readiness preparation that become progressively more complex and rewarding as youths' personal, social, and technical skills advance.

While participating in high-level, demanding work in MAP's Seaport Boatshop, all MAP apprentices are required to co-enroll in a high school credential program with a MAP partner as a condition of enrollment, frequently through the Boston Youth Services Network (BYSN).

MAP has identified and cultivated four fields within the Maritime Trades: Ship Maintenance, Repair, and Construction, New Boat Fabrication, Marina Technology and Customer Service, and Marine Transportation. Sixteen industry and higher education partners, committed to MAP through an MOA, provide training, access to internships and jobs, and mentoring.

MAP Statistics

MAP FY07 Numbers

20 Served in FY07
5 Exited in FY07
15 Carried into FY08
6 New in FY08

Current Status of M AP Apprentices

16 Currently active in MAP
5 Currently in Follow-up
7 Received Diploma via BYSN partner (FY06-FY08 to date)
8 Received GED/Diploma via BPS or other source (FY06-FY08 to date)
8 Currently enrolled in BYSN partner GED or Diploma-granting Program
1 Currently enrolled in BPS
3 Currently attending college with MAP partner
3 Admitted to specialized Marine Union via MAP internship
3 Currently employed full-time by MAP industry partner
5 Employed with non-MAP partner
5 Currently incarcerated (FY06-FY08 to date)

MAP Apprentice Demographics

MAP enrollees are the highest risk youths in the city:
100% DYS committed,
100% male (currently),
50% African American,
35% Latino, and
15% Caucasian.

They are:
100% low income,
80% out of school,
75% basic skills deficient, and
40% parenting.

80% live in non-parent, female-headed households; 14% are homeless or live in foster care. 50% of MAP 2006-08' apprentices lost family or friends to gun violence. Over 50% were themselves targets of shootings, knifings, and gang assaults, and one apprentice was murdered in May 2007 in a gang slaying.

In Their Own Words: Quotes from Summer Session '07 MAP Apprentice Journals

At MAP so far I have learned to be responsible. How to come in everyday on time. I've learned to stay in my positive mode. I learned that there's people out here who actually give a f*%k. I made a lot of good friends. Most of all I learned I love the ocean and I know that I want a career in the maritime field.

~ 19 year old, two years in the program

I learned how to controle my anger, I learned how to have respect and respect my elders and also responsibility. I never saw myself as a working person and what I mean by I learned responsibility is by getting up everyday by my self and getting my lazy ass to work everyday and actually doing something instead of just sitting on my ass all day and watching life pass me by. I learned that the street life isn't everything because it only gets you two places jail or dead and I refuse to see my self do another day in jail and I certainly don't want to die. Not only is the street life the wrong life for me it's being selfish because it's not all about me anymore it's about my son and my girlfriend. That's another place where responsibility falls in, I also learned don't judge a person by there first action give them a chance because every one deserves a chance.

~ 18 year old, two months in the program

I feel I am in the right path right now. I feel like a man with responsibilities. For the first time in my life I'm getting paid the legal way and in a job that I really like without worrying about cops or enemies in the street. I'm really proud of myself and my family also.

~ 18 year old, two months in the program

What I learn from being in the MAP program is I learn to be job ready. Job ready is being at work on time and prepared for the work that will be happening for that day. I also learn how to be responsible because not only are my employers counting on me so are my co-workers. MAP also teached me to be more goal oriented. Also how to have patience. I learned how to take constructed crisimism. I learned that I have to be more depended on my own. I learned to work hard. I'm also focus on learning new skills because I want to be versatile. I will be prepared for whatever the employer want on a job site. Me being focus help me stay on the right track and keeps my goals in line and get ready for my future.

~ 19 year old, six months in the program

 I feel it is important to set a career up for myself, cause I don't wanna be 35 looking back at all the opportunities I let blow in the wind. I just wanna live the 'American Dream'. I know that my parents (especially dad) worked their asses to the bone so we can have what we needed we definitely wasn't the richest and we weren't the poorest. I was so grateful to have both my parents growing even though at times I took them for granted. That's what I want I want the house with the white picket fence, I want the vacation the wife and two kids and a dog. So with that being said I love, I fight, I dream.

~ 18 year old, four months in the program

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